Infant William Jacob Box was born sleeping on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at Northport DCH Regional Medical Center. William is survived by his parents Jacob and Alana Box, grandparents Jamie and Mandi Ballard and Michael and Stacey Box, aunts and uncles, Jake Blake, and Hayden Ballard, Austin and Elizabeth Dean, and Katherine Box, cousins Samuel and Matthew Dean, great grandparents Larry and Pat Moore, Warren Ballard, Charolette Box, and Charlette Moore, great-great grandparents Danny and Faye Price, as well as a host of great aunts and uncles, cousins, and other family. He was preceded in death by his great grandparents Larry Box, Christy Ballard, and James “Shorty” Moore and great-great grandparents. A private graveside service will be held at the Winfield City Cemetery. Bowen Funeral Home serving the Box family.